Think about a controller for your XBOX. It has various buttons, each designed to control a specific aspect of your game. Some make your character run, others slow them down; all of those buttons complete certain actions. When you switch to a racing game, those same buttons might control the gas pedal or steering.  

Controls are integral to nearly every aspect of our daily lives. From adjusting the thermostat to typing on a computer or operating complex machinery, controls are essential for completing tasks efficiently and effectively. 

In manufacturing facilities, there are controls that ensure a smoothly operating facility with minimal disruptions. These are known as control panels. 

At ASG, we manufacture custom control panels for our customers, building them from the ground up. Before requesting a quote, it’s essential to determine the type of control panel you need. If you are new to the world of panels, we want to give you a run down that allows you to fully understand the importance and need of panels in your facility. 

So, What Is a Control Panel?

A control panel is a combination of electrical devices that use power to control the various mechanical functions of industrial equipment or machinery. Essentially, a control panel houses all of the mechanical and electrical controls in a facility, ensuring smooth and consistent operations. 

Imagine you are touring a manufacturing facility that packages up candy. Maintaining the right temperature, environment, and productivity is crucial for the facility to operate seamlessly. These aspects are managed through control panels, which you know home the controls to the temperature, ensuring no moisture is let into the facility, which can mess with the consistency of the candy. 

During the tour, you ask the guide if you could see the control panel to understand how the controls of this place truly work. They lead you to a large cabinet where the panel is housed, revealing an array of colored wires, boxes, and other components. 

Source: ASG

As you examine the control panel, you notice some elements control airflow, some control the ever-moving assembly line, and others control the humidity levels in the building. Each of these controls is vital for the efficient operation, ensuring consistent candy production. 

So, we know that the controls that are housed inside the panel actually control different aspects of a facility. Different size facilities need different sized control panels, which all run a variety of systems. 

Control Panel Sizes & Applications

The sizes of control panels vary significantly based on their applications. Each individual facility can mean different panel sizes – ranging from the size of a shoebox to the size of a refrigerator!

In a manufacturing facility, for example, controlling the assembly line might involve a panel with a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Due to the inclusion of a PLC, this panel is typically larger.

Source: ASG

In contrast, a facility that processes water treatment or pipeline monitoring may use RTUs (remote terminal units) alongside their control panel. An RTU is similar to a PLC, but is used for more continuous processes. These are a bit smaller in size, in comparison to PLC control panels. 

Source: ASG

Then, you can have something that resembles a power distribution box. This is a system used alongside a control panel for regulating, controlling, and switching electrical circuits on and off in an electrical power system. These are pretty large in size. 

Source: ASG

These examples illustrate the size difference among control panels, though their internal components are often straightforward and similar. Since every facility has unique requirements, it is important to understand your specific needs before selecting a control panel. 

Importance of Control Panels with Manufacturing Modernization

So, now that you know what a control panel is, you may be asking yourself if it is truly important to have one and to have one that operates to exactly fit your needs. 

The answer is yes. In order for your company to be relevant and efficient, modernizing your manufacturing facility is essential; and this includes investing in great control panels.

Control panels play a crucial role in modernizing manufacturing facilities. Danny Amorim, Operations Manager at ASG, emphasizes the importance: “The control panel, alongside a PLC or an RTU, is basically the brain for the application it is going to be used on.”

ASG’s Process

At ASG, we aim to provide a straightforward process for obtaining control panels. After contacting our team for a quote, we collaborate with you to design the perfect control panel for your facility. 

Once the design is approved, it is released to our warehouse floor for construction, provided the necessary materials are in stock. Sometimes, lead times can greatly vary due to potential back orders. 

After the build is complete, we test our products to make sure they are up to UL and Nema standards. And then it’s off to our client’s facility. 

Though we have a solidified process for manufacturing control panels, there are other companies that can build these as well. 

While ASG offers a reliable process for manufacturing control panels, other companies provide similar services. You can research online or consult with our engineers at ASG. Contact us today to update your facility’s control panels.